May 12, 2010

Statement of Gratitude

Gratitude- Letting others know you see how they've helped you 

I once had an assignment which required me to write a "statement of gratitude".  It's basically a statement of acknowledgment expressing your appreciation.  We were suppose to go beyond the obvious and dig deep and find what intrinsic values it were that we appreciated so much. I enjoyed the assignment because it did bring to surface those things I appreciated most about those that I love and it's not everyday we truly recognize and give thanks for them. Here's mine so maybe today you can also think about what it is you genuinely appreciate about the ones in your life-even if your not feelin 'em right now loll

From my mother, the strength of an unyielding faith, and the power of love unconditional.

From my father, the resilience in times of adversity, the beauty of laughter and joy and the knowledge of wellness that pure happiness creates.

From my brother, the benevolence towards all God’s creatures, the necessity and display of trust he shares with me and in mankind.

From my sisters, companionship like no other.

From my lover, a fire lit from a burning desire, passion in its most intense form and the ability to love with reckless abandon and confide with no reservations.

From my friends, support, and proof that I am not alone. A connection that proves to me that we, the citizens of this earth, are all one.

From my God, a beautiful view.

Peace & Ble$$ing$ (Ng)

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