May 3, 2010

We All Need A Hug Sometimes

So, one weekend, I decided to return home to the DMV, for those of yall that don't know, its D.C./Maryland/Virginia. I was sitting there having a chat with my dad, ya know the usual stuff. He was so eager to tell me ..."Obama's wife hugged a Somali woman!".  My reaction: "Get outta here!"  Talk about shocking! So I went and googled around for the image.  I mean, considering all the hooplah around Somali's & the so called links to terrorism, do you ever think Bush would've embraced a Somali?

And then, there it was....First Lady Michelle Obama embraces Khadija Musame during her visit to the New Roots Community Farm in San Diego, CA. Who would've thought? The First Lady embracing a foreigner. Then, thoughts pour in, aside from the extroverted Obama's, when's the last time you've seen any president of any nation embrace another so genuinely? Just food for thought......

Peace & Ble$$ing$ (K.A)

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